Interfaith Chaplain’s Stole

World Interfaith Harmony Week and News

Hope you had a happy Groundhogs Day.

This is also World Interfaith Harmony Week. Feb 1-7 is a time where all interfaith groups can make statements at the same time, showing how powerful a movement this is. This is a time where all people with goodwill in their hearts can stand together to proclaim their shared values. I know this letter is going out to those who care about peace and harmony in their communities.

For those of you who purchase items for institutions to be given to new graduates, this is a good time to get your order together. Just a quick remember of some of our popular items often used for this purpose.

Interfaith Chaplain’s Stole
Interfaith Chaplain’s Stole

The interfaith Chaplain’s Stole is available in black or white. The nine different religious symbols in the rainbow-colored design let people know that you respect every faith tradition. They are $20 each or 10 for $140.

Black Interfaith flag.

The black Interfaith Flag is 30″ x 40″ and printed on polyester with a black background. The interlocking rainbow colors of this rosette design, combined with the six religious symbols, make a simple and clear statement: all religions are welcome here. In addition to flying this in front of a home, it would also be appropriate to hang outside or inside of any organization that serves a diverse population, such as hospital and airport chapels, food banks, interfaith community centers and many non-profit organizations and charities. They are $25 each.

Antique Gold finish Interfaith Lapel Pin
Antique Gold finish Interfaith Lapel Pin

Antique Gold Lapel PinLapel pins are available in several metals and finishes. The only pictured above is antique gold. The picture has been enlarged so you can see the quality. The actual size is 3/4″ and they sell for $8.50 each.

Color Cloisonne Interfaith Lapel Pins
Color Cloisonne Interfaith Lapel Pins

Finally, many schools purchase an expanded interfaith prayer book for each student. This is an expanded, perfect bound version of our give-away edition. This one is $9.95 each or 20 for $120. The original version which is often found in lobbies and chapels are 5/$10 or a case of 200 for $240.

Finally, we have just a few more multifaith calendars and if you catch one, you will get the sale price.

Until next time, Karen



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