Interfaith bookshelf

Warm coffee, sweet anticipation and a good book

So much snow outside here. If I didn’t have to shovel the van out, fill orders and move the sheep, I’d curl up with a good book. In case you feel the same, let me tell you about five (two of them on sale).

World Scripture
World Scripture

World Scripture – A Comparative Anthology of Sacred Texts

NOT what someone says the different religions teach, but the actual sacred texts of scores of religions spread out side by side – by topic. This is a “Must Have” for anyone interested in comparative religion, and a fascinating read. More than a sampling, this is a banquet – with over 800 pages, 20 chapters and hundreds of topics at a subsidized price.  This is a very, very large book at nearly 2 inches thick on pages that are about 7 x 10 inches. And it available for a short time at the very good sale price of $19.95.

The next one is for parents.

Family Virtues Guide
Family Virtues Guide

The Family Virtues Guide (as seen on Oprah) is at the core of The Virtues Project, an international effort to make virtues education a central part of both classrooms and family life. It is one of the many things that inspired us to start We are proud to support their efforts and carry their book and virtue cards. The Family Virtues Guide is subtitled, Simple Ways to Bring out the Best in our Children and Ourselves, and that is exactly what it does. Written by by Linda Kavelin-Popov with Dan Popov, Ph. D. and John Kavelin

This book is intended for parents and children to use together to nurture togetherness. The first section includes five simple strategies for raising children to live meaningful lives and to develop the virtues of their character. The second section contains 52 virtues, one for each week of the year, describing each virtue in simple terms, giving role play situations, how to practice it, and signs of success. It will engage family members of all ages in an exciting process of growth and discovery.

This book shows you how to: – Learn the language of integrity and self-esteem – Understand the five roles parents’ play – Discover ways to introduce sacred time into family life – Help children to make moral choices

Let’s include a kid’s book. I think you will like Penny Wishes  by Kimberly Burke-Weiner and illustrated by Fredrika Spillman

Penny Wishes
Penny Wishes

Do you find yourself wishing for world peace, prosperity and love? Well, as this book charmingly illustrates, wishing is not enough.

Every day a woman throws a penny into the sea and makes a wish – while her neighbors live exciting lives and make their dreams come true. When a storm returns a lifetime of pennies, she is forced to rethink her passive life choices. Vivid and exciting pictures bring her neighbors dreams to life and spur the imagination of readers of all ages. It will make you want to DO something!

Number three is Hinduism by Karan Singh


This is a comprehensive overview of the Hindu Faith, its history, evolution, and current development. Following teachings from the Upanishads and the Bhagavad Gita, the author argues that the Hindu tradition is not a cult, or a collection of dogmas, but a religion that speaks of the transcendental divinity. It also offers a philosophy of life that cuts across ethnic and geographic barriers.

The essentials of Hindu religio-philosophic teaching are pervaded by the ideal of universalism and love of humanity.

It is the author’s conviction that mankind today is transiting into an entirely new phase of civilization, which may be called the global society, a transition as important, if not more so, as the earlier ones such as nomadic to agricultural or agricultural to industrial. While science and technology are central to this process, so are the great religious traditions because of their impact on billions of people.

Number five on my list of recommendations today is The Secret of Emotions by Justice Saint Rain

Secret of Emotions
Secret of Emotions

The Secret of Emotions by Justice Saint Rain is a helpful guide to understanding the connection between our emotional sensations, and our experience of virtues. Since most of our decisions are motivated more by our emotions than our intellect, understanding the messages emotions are sending will have a profound impact on the rest of your life.

If following your heart has repeatedly gotten you into trouble, but to follow your head feels like a kind of soul-death, then this book will open up a whole new world of possibilities for you. It will teach your head how to understand the language of your heart, and teach your heart how to speak the language of God by explaining the connection between our emotional sensations and the Divine virtues that we long for.

I hope you have a peaceful weekend with everything you need – as well a a good book and time to read. Until next time, Karen Saint Rain

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