The first edition of the Interfaith Prayer Book proved to be immensely popular for use both at interfaith gatherings and for personal reflection. It found its way into hospitals, motel rooms and college classrooms as well as places of worship all around the world. That edition contained a selection of prayers from six religious traditions; Hindu, Jewish, Buddhist, Christian, Muslim and Bahá’Ã.
This Expanded Edition adds prayers from eight additional traditions; Native African, Native American, Zoroastrian, Taoist, Confucian, Shinto, Jain and Sikh. Its aim is to further enrich our devotional practice, to share a taste of our planet’s diverse spiritual heritage and to deepen our sense of interfaith connectedness. Nothing brings us closer to God or closer to each other than prayer.
While the first edition is designed to give away in large quantities, this edition makes a nice gift for specific individuals such as chaplains, leaders of thought and students of religion. It is perfect-bound instead of saddle-stitched, 6×9 instead of 5.5×8.5 and 104 pages instead of 52 pages.
Anonymous –
Love this book. Not only is it filled with beautiful prayers, but they are divided up by religious beliefs. There are explanations of how the religious group feels about prayer and a bit about their belief system. A way to choose a lovely prayer for an event or celebration, and perhaps learn a bit about where it came from.
Anonymous –
I have Interfaith devotions at my house monthly. I try to use scriptures from all the major religions, but they can be difficult to find. I’m so glad I came across this little books. My friends who have attended have commented very favorably on the selections from this book. Very nice.
Anonymous –
I particularly love the Native American prayers, and the prayers of other faith traditions other than my own. It’s beautiful to read and consider these words, some of which have been uttered for eons.
Jacqueline Osborne –
Well accepted at our Spirit Lifters events.