Next week is Brotherhood/Sisterhood week. This is celebrated in both Canada and the US as a time to encourage people of diverse faiths to discuss differences and to recognize those things that we have in common. It is a time to be united in our human brotherhood and sisterhood.
Will you do something this week to celebrate our differences? Perhaps you can open a dialog with someone of another faith? Perhaps you will use this time to look up a holiday or research the history of a faith you currently don’t know a lot about.
Also next Wednesday is the World Day of Social Justice. What can you do to prepare to celebrate it? I don’t know. Maybe you should purchase a t-shirt from us this week to wear next Wednesday. Or maybe you should get a bag of 50 ‘No Room in my heart for prejudice‘ buttons and pass them out to everyone you interact with that day.
If T-shirts aren’t your thing, or are not appropriate for where you work, consider going subtle with an interfaith Lapel Pin or Pendant. Then when people ask you about it, you can offer them a free button or sticker and talk about interfaith fellowship.