About Interfaith Resources
You live in a multifaith world. If you work with people from different faith backgrounds, and this site is here to serve you. It is maintained by Special Ideas Inc.
The purpose of Interfaith Resources is to help you celebrate and serve the diversity you encounter in your community – in your neighborhood, your school, your hospital, your family and even in your personal life. The people of Interfaith Resources sincerely love and respect all people regardless of how they orient around religion and spirituality. We work diligently to find and promote points of unity for the progression of all humanity.
Our History
Special Ideas was started in 1981 and incorporated in 2001. Justice writes books, develops new products, screens submissions, packs orders and often answers the phone. Karen oversees the website, paperwork and handles day to day details of running a business. We connect and coordinate like-minded artists, authors and creators to transform your ideas into products. Others assist as needed on various projects.
After moving Special Ideas all over the country, we are currently settled in Southern Indiana, in the thriving downtown metropolis of Heltonville, IN, population 350. This is about 30 minutes south of the dynamic intellectual atmosphere of Bloomington IN, the home of Indiana University. It is also about 30 minutes east of the vibrant and large artist colony of Brown County Indiana. And we are just east of Bedford Indiana, charming small town and limestone capital of the world.
We operate from a 4000 sq ft barn we built ourselves for this purpose. From here, we answer phones during office hours and lovingly pack every single order. Don’t be surprised if you find a few freebies tossed into your order. We always try to deliver more than you expect.
In addition to searching the world for the most effective and inspiring products to make available to you, we also write, design, and produce most of the things we sell. This is the primary reason we can keep our prices low and our product diversity wide. We are also happy to look at new product ideas you have developed yourself. But please be patient with us. If they come to us at a busy time, it may feel like we are taking a long time to get back to you.
Even if you don’t place an order, please consider adding yourself to our weekly newsletter list on the footer of this site. (We do not do popups or share your information.) This will allow us to keep you informed of our latest projects. We are also on facebook, instagram and linked in. Follow or friend us to participate in community discussions, letting us know what you think during the decision making process
We sell to both individuals, groups and institutions. Our most loyal customers are people like you as well as hospitals, hospices, chaplains, colleges and non-profit groups. We strive to provide you the service and the products you need at a price you can afford to pay.
Some Special Ideas
Our booklets can be found in hospital waiting rooms all across the country. You can purchase a sampling of the most popular Interfaith Prayers for Comfort and Healing and Interfaith Prayer Book before buying by the case.
For treatment centers and therapists, we have books on emotional healing like Longing for Love.
Stickers and buttons are especially popular at public events and on college campuses. Students will put a sticker on a book bag more readily that car owners will use a bumper sticker. The item most frequently purchased item by college groups is the No Room in my Heart for Prejudice sticker. Groups often purchase matching t-shirts by the dozens when hosting events or marching in parades.
We also carry a wide range of items with the Interfaith logo to create a welcoming atmosphere in your chapel or at your event. Golden Rule items are especially popular for highlighting the commonality of spiritual teachings across cultural divides.
Everyone loves our unique line of interfaith jewelry. Wear this jewelry to subtly let people know you are respectful of all faiths. These items also make the perfect gift.
Teachers and parents can find character-building games and materials here. We found this to be such a growing need that we built a website just to showcase products that have been approved for use in public schools.
You Can Help
Please consider signing up for our weekly newsletter.
Our product ideas come from people like you. If you can imagine a useful product, it is likely people will also find it useful. Share your thoughts. Let us know how we can serve your needs. Or if you have a social media following, we would be a great start to your becoming an influencer.