ABCs of Character – A Fabric Children’s Room Decoration

This colorful wall hanging uses child-friendly definitions to help kids understand what positive character qualities look like in action.


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This colorful wall hanging uses child-friendly definitions to help kids understand what positive character qualities look like in action.

We now have dozens of products that introduce kids to the vocabulary of virtues – from building blocks to refrigerator magnets. This colorful banner takes the next step and describes the behavior that will encourage people to see those virtues in them. It can be hard for children to understand why they should be developing positive qualities like kindness and generosity, but knowing that these qualities will be admired by others gives them an extra impetus to practice them. The more they practice them, the sooner they develop the maturity to appreciate these virtues for their own sake.

“They Call me *** when I ***” gives kids concrete examples and concrete reasons to try to become their very best. Click on the pictures to read the 26 virtues and their definitions.

Hanging this banner in their room (or a classroom) will provide hundreds, if not thousands of opportunities for these ideas to be slowly absorbed by their growing minds.

“Just wanted to let you know how MUCH she LOVES this product. She wanted to hang hers downstairs “where we can all see it and read the characters”, rather than in her room.” 

As an added benefit, they also remind parents and teachers to use the vocabulary of virtues when children exhibit positive behavior rather than just saying “that was nice” or “that was good.”  Non-specific praise can actually be a demotivator for kids, as it all just sounds like fluff. But naming specific qualities lets kids know that you are paying attention to their unique personalities and actions, so they feel seen and appreciated.

Want one for every child in your community, or every classroom or daycare in your town? We have bulk pricing for that too. They cost less than a T-shirt, and can hang in a room for many years without being outgrown.

“Our daughter got an email from the teacher that night to say how much the whole class loves the hanging — that each child can choose a character word to work on that day, and they read them out loud!!!”

The banner is 12″x36″ which is big enough to be read easily, without overpowering a room. It is made of satin fabric, with a hem at the top for adding a dowel rod for hanging. A dowel rod is NOT included, but a plastic coat hanger works perfectly.  Just cut the horizontal piece, slide the banner on, and tape the break. For added flair, wrap it in colorful ribbon. (See pictures)

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