365 Affirmations to Nourish Your Soul Cards

A deck of 365 affirmation cards to help you short-circuit negative self-talk and gain greater confidence and optimism. The box is handmade and locally crafted.


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SKU: 365-ANS

Daily affirmations are a great way to short-circuit negative self-talk and develop a more hopeful, positive self-image. So how does one go about choosing the affirmations that are most effective for you or a client?

365 Affirmations to Nourish Your Soul was created to provide an individual with a year-long deep-dive into exploring exactly what issues need to be addressed, and what phrasing works best to address them. Repeat a new affirmation 20-100 times a day for a year, and it will become abundantly clear which ones resonate, which ones stir up emotions, and which ones address issues that have already been healed.

The deck can also be used in a therapeutic setting to quickly explore 10, 20 or even 50 different affirmations in a row to see which ones speak to your client. They can also be left in your waiting room to help clients calm down and focus before a session.

They come with an explanation of how to use affirmations. Click the tab called “About Affirmations” to read it.

Click the “Sample Affirmations” tab to read sample affirmations.

For a different kind of daily inspiration, check out our 365 Words of Wisdom cards.

Waiting Room Magic!

Therapists, chiropractors, and any other healing professional with a waiting room will find these a godsend. “Please take an affirmation while you wait,” will turn an anxious wait into an uplifting session warm-up. The locally made wooden box gives a vibe of comfort and love.
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