Last Month several Holy Days fell on or around the first day of Spring. This weekend brings us Buddhist New Year, Christian Good Friday, and Islamic Laylat al Bara’at on Friday (sorry this is late). Then Jewish Passover starts on Saturday, followed by Christian Easter and Baha’is First Day of Ridvan. Yesterday was the Hindi Hanuman Jayanti.

It is a time of reflection and renewal for all of us.
It is also a time to recognize our common connection to the Transcendent, whatever you may call It.
This satin Interfaith Pennant was originally designed to go in hospital chapels, but it occurred to me that it would also be a welcoming sign if displayed in the entry of every house of worship. On sale this week for 20% off – only $15.95, it is light enough to ship first class. Note: it has a hem at the top and fringe at the bottom. You provide your own dowel rod and cord.