Dear Friends!
I forgot to remind you all about the beautiful 2020 Multifaith Calendar. Consequently, I have more left than I expected.
That means I’m putting them on sale for 20% off for the next week (while supplies last).

This Year’s Multifaith Calendar is Lovely.
Both beautiful and educational, the popular Multifaith Calendar carries you through a year of celebration, remembrance and reverence by highlighting the holidays and holy days of 14 different major religions. In addition to listing each special day on the calendar day itself, the publishers have added brief descriptions of each day along the left side of the calendar, organized by religion.

In the next few weeks, you may be receiving a free copy of our Book of Comfort and Healing in the mail. We will be putting it on sale for 25% off, with a special coupon code. If you don’t get a copy and the coupon code, then feel free to e-mail us and we will send you a PDF of the entire booklet for your review, and tell you what the coupon code is. Please indicate whether you are requesting it as an individual or for a hospital or organization.
You may have noticed that we don’t send these newsletters out very often. If you want to keep up with what we are doing and hear about any new products, you can visit our FaceBook page for Interfaith Resources. We hope to use it as a networking space to help interfaith groups and chaplains share ideas of how to promote more understanding and cooperation between faith communities.